Are you looking for a good destination for a painting or other object from the past? You could consider donating it to a museum. At Museum Kaap Skil, items with a link to the maritime history of Texel are very welcome. Also objects which were used in the olden days at home are often gratefully accepted at Kaap Skil or the House of Antiquities. The museums only accept items which fit into the collection. The curator determines what’s acceptable. When an item is accepted, a donation form is filed. This records any wishes and all that is known about the donation. In that way, valuable knowledge is not lost.
Are you a taxpayer in the Netherlands? If so, a financial donation to Museum Kaap Skil is tax deductible when a donation agreement has been made for a minimum of five years. You can download and fill in the form here. It is also possible to request the donation form via Eva van Ginkel will be happy to provide more information about making a periodic gift. You can contact her on 0222-317741 or
Are you considering including a charity in your will? If you are fond of shipping and history, perhaps Kaap Skil is the charity you’re looking for. Thanks to the ANBI status, the museum doesn’t need to pay any gift tax. In this way, the legacy can be spent entirely on the charity: conservation and management of Texel’s cultural maritime heritage. Marion Barth will be happy to provide more information about legacies. You can contact her on 0222-317741 or
Museum Kaap Skil is officially recognised as a Good Cause with the ANBI and CBF quality mark.